Monday, 3 July 2017

Tribal Martyr-te Ading in Bang i Ngen ua?

12.10.2016 | 408 Days of People’s Movement | Tribal Martyr-te ading in bang i ngen ua? (from my personal compilation of Memorandums, Press Release, Declarations, letters, etc.)
1. Judicial Enquiry to the death of the Tribal Martyrs and stringent punishments to the culprits. Ref: No.7(iv) of MTF, Mumbai’s Resolutions, dated 10th October, 2015.
2. To punish those state security forces involved in the brutal killing of the agitators. Ref: Demand No. ii of Memorandum submitted to the Prime Minister of India by MTF, Delhi, dated 2nd September, 2015.

3. Suspension of the guilty police personnel that were involved in the shooting. Ref: No. (Not mentioned) of Manipur Tribal Students Delhi Rally on 2nd September, 2015.
4. The immediate resignation of 16 tribal MLAs within next 7 days. Ref: No. (i) of Press Release of MTF, Delhi, dated 7th September, 2015.
5. To bring visible justice to the Police officers who are responsible for the death of the innocent civilians. Ref: No. (iii) of Press Release of MTF, Delhi, dated 7th September, 2015.
6. The Centre should ensure that a High level inquiry is conducted on the killing of the nine Tribal Martyrs and their killers punbished as per law. Ref: Demand No. (b) of Invitation of Mass Coffin Rally to Parliament of MTF, Delhi, dated 8th December, 2015. And on a letter sent to Shri Narendra Modi, Hon’ble Prime Minister of India on 25th January 2016.
7. The meeting resolved that appropriate ex-gratia should be given to the deceased and compensation to those injured. Ref: No. 4 of Joint Declaration of the Kuki Innpi, Zomi Council and Hmar Inpui dated 1st September 2015.
8. Let the blood of the 9 Martyrs be the exchanged price for a separate administrative region/s. Ref: Open Letter of MTU, Bengaluru dated: 9th September, 2015.
9. Separate Political Autonomy for the tribals of Manipur. Declared Tribal Martyrs, hence no compensation, ex-gratia or its concomitance assistance from the Government of Manipur. Ref: No.1 & 2 of Press Release of JAC dated 4th September 2015.
10. Immediate political settlement with KNO-UPF leaders and immediate withdrawal of the three anti-tribal bills. Ref: Memorandum submitted to Shri Rajnath Singh, Hon’ble Home Minister by JAC dated (Not mentioned).

1. JAC’s Charter of Demand dated 9th November 2015 ah Martyr-te Justice kigen khalou.
2. Joint Memorandum submitted by Zomi Council, Hmar Inpui & Kuki Inpi Churachandpur to Hon’ble President of India dated 25th September, 2015 ah Martyr-te Justice kigen khalou.

(Posted in Facebook (Self) on October 12, 2016)

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