Sunday, 3 August 2014

Sunday Congregational Worship | August 3, 2014

3rd AUGUST 2014 | 11:00AM


Worship Team led the congregation in singing hymns of praises which was consumed into Mass Prayer; And as offertory was brought to the pulpit, Elder H. Kam Suanthang, Local Secretary, consecrated the same. Conductor, Nu Haumuankim, mentioned a brief history of the Dorcas Department and how it has grown and served many in various ways, through an initiative called DORCEP. She mentioned generous contributors for prizes to be given off later among worthy contestants during the ensuing Dorcas Day observance. She read the scripture portion of Heb 1:1. Pastor Nenglian Vualnam read the scripture Isaiah 38:1 and made intercession for the Dorcas. Rev. L. Kham Kholun, Director(Missions) shared the Lord's word. He came from Lamka to minister the process of election of three elders, if God willing, to be ordained in due course.


Director(Missions) Rev. L. Kham Kholun began his sermon with greetings and lauded the Dorcas. He based his sermon on Isaiah 38:1, 2Kings 20:1, 2Khro 32:24 which was about King Hezekiah. Soon on ascending to the throne of Judah, King Hezekiah started reforming the Temple and the Kingdom. He achieved great transformation within his Kingdom and there was abundance everywhere. However, he was soon bedridden with a terminal disease. The Lord warned him to set his house in order as his death is coming soon. Reverend stressed upon the importance of setting one's house in order and emphasised on the role of the Dorcas in building their homes. However, he did not rule out the responsibilities of husbands as well.  He Ocassionally elucidated his sermon with some illustrations. He also mentioned the changing roles of women in the society after we accept Christianity.

He further said that human needs can broadly be categorised into four:- 1) Physical growth 2) Mental growth 3) Spiritual growth and 4) Social growth.  God's word forms the core foundation to everything. He also elaborated that spirituality alone makes man civilised citing his own experiences during his hospitalisation earlier. Household administration is the toughest. Even though King Hezekiah was successful in rulling his country, he failed in his household administration. Parents play a very important role in the life of their children even in matters concerning their future, be it education or finding their life partner, etc.

    Reverend L. Kham Kholun, Dir(Missions) was the Presiding Officer in the electioneering process. He was accompanied by the local Pastor as Assistant Presiding Officer and all the 10 ordanined Elders. He read the scripture portion from Acts 14:21-23 and Tita 1:5 and elaborated a bit. He also stressed on the importance of the role of elders and one has to think twice before electing an Elder. He also mentioned the positions of various church officials in different denominations and the qualifications for one to become an Elder, which was set under the EBCC fold. He then made invocation prayer as the stage is set for election of Elders.

         EBCC Delhi's statistics about its members was announced and Quorum was examined. Total Member- 1032. (Out of which:-Primary & Junior Members: 222, Full Communicant Members: 810, Outstation/Disciplined members, etc: 78). Members eligible to cast vote: 732. Hence, a Quorum of 366 full communicant members is needed for today's election. 85 eligible voters took leave. However, the headcount of eligible voters stood to 382 and thus, requirement of Quorum was fulfilled, Praise the Lord!

     Pastor(Retd) V. Songkhothang prayed for the 6 candidates. Then, Primary election follow suit.

      While waiting for the results of the Primary Election, congregants were thrilled with the Special items presented by the Dorcas Department like: singing choir, reciting Bible verses, Duet, Quartet, Solo. Recitation by Mrs Lalzami, residing in Munirka (from Naomi Group) from the whole portion of Psalm 119 is worth mentioning.

       Three Candidates:- 1) Mr. Goukhangin T. scored- 226 votes, 2)Mr. Ngulminthang L. scored-225 votes and 3) Thangkhosiam Tonsing scored- 216 votes; successfully crossed the primary election amongst the 6 candidates. Final election for these three candidates follow suit individual-wise.

       In between, Prizes to worthy Dorcas contestants during the ensuing 'Tualsung Dorca Khawmpi' were given out.

    Final results of Election were out. All the three candidates were elected. They are further required to appear, in due course, for Elders' examination and need to face another set of tests before they can finally be ordained as Elders.

CONCLUSION: Presiding Officer said the closing prayer which was followed by the table ministry (tea fellowship to be specific).

1) Next worship service will be held on Sunday 10th August, 2014, 11:00am at the same chapel as usual.
2) Pastor V. Nenglian, Local Pastor will be delivering his sermon.
3) Dedication of new born child will also be held.
4) Freshers' welcome Programme will also be held at 1:45pm at Church Basement soon after the normal church service comes to a close. Freshers here means those youths under EBCC fold who came to Delhi after Freshers' welcoming program held in 2013.

~ Sumthanlian Suantak, Content Writer, EBCC Delhi.

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